Monday 24 August 2009

The Lost Summer

The Lost Summer
This is a series of small images I have made that relates to the rather difficult time we have had over the past few weeks. each picture is created on an original Victorian holiday photograph, again to symbolise summer.

Things now seem to be improving and as someone pointed out to me, "nothing is permanent; all things must change."

The Lost Summer


This image incorporates a piece of beautiful glass that the children and I found on a walk in the fields, along with the last of the buttercups.


For my beautiful son who has ASD; he frustrates and exhausts me and fills my heart with love and pride.


This one is for my beautiful daughter as she prepares to leave for university and my hope that her heart will soon mend and she becomes again the funny, confident, lovely young woman I know she is. (A little Georgia O' Keefe symbolism going on here I think. This was pointed out by a good friend and I think she's right!)


There were times when things were overwhelming.


Lavender; the herb that I use to try and restore calm and peace; something that we have had little of this summer.. This image depicts one who's had enough and is longing for peace.


This represents the end of this summer, the last of the thyme, (the end of this time) the dying moths and the gathering in of my family after overcoming weeks of heartache. (Hopefully!)

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